
Health Span


4/9 We have updated the design of the MRSO system for reserving medical checkups.

Our Message

“From being a country known for longevity, to a country known worldwide for long, healthy lives.”

I hope this email finds you in good health.
We thank you for your continued support.

Our mission at MRSO Inc. is to increase the amount of healthy hours (healthy life expectancy) in an individual’s life.

In Japan, the average lifespan for males is 80.21 years and for females 86.61 years. However, the healthy lifespan for males is only 71.19 years and for females 74.21 years. *Based on the Ministry of Health, Labor and Welfare’s Data for 2013.

The Japanese are well-known for their longevity. However, within their lifetimes, there is a 9-12 year period during which their lifestyles are severely limited. Through our activities, we aim to extend healthy lifespans by 8 years, creating a society where people can live long, rich lives.

For that purpose, we are working hard to develop preventative medical healthcare, including checkups, proper exercise, nutrition and mental care. Using the power of IT, we can provide you with information relating to medical services, helping you to choose a suitable facility and make a reservation.

We want to thank the various users, medical facilities and related organizations for their support, which has allowed us to grow and make progress towards our very significant goal of extending healthy life expectancy.

MRSO Inc. would like to explore new possibilities in the medical and IT fields. We will do our best to create a future filled with hope, by changing Japan from being a country known for longevity, to a country known worldwide for long, healthy lives.

Our Description of Business

Medical Checkup Reservation Site MRSO.

A website for making reservations for medical checkups, boasting the largest listing of medical facilities in Japan. We are also in collaboration with T-points. We will help everyone make informed decisions with regard to medical checkups.

Extending everyone’s lifespan by 8 healthy years

A project to bring the industrial world and the medical world together and to raise awareness for increasing healthy life expectancy in society.

Web Media with the Theme of Body and Health “Colorda”

We operate the web media “Colorda“ with the thorough quality standards for the theme of body and health, and create all articles originally.


Most introduced Reservation System for Medical Facilities “MRS”

Our medical reservation system “MRS” has been introduced more than 800 medical facilities, fully linked to MRSO. And It is completely adapted to various complicated situations of the Japanese healthcare market.


MRS Plus

We provide the total management system “MRS Plus“ for medical facilities, and it is linked to MRS. We will achieve the profit improvement by improving efficiency in availability management.


Website Design Service

We provide the website design service for medical facilities.


Healthcare BPO Service

We provide the Healthcare BPO Service based on the achievement of more than 10 years experience and of more than 100,000 support annually.


Health Plus

We provide the totally medical business support system “Health Plus“ for the health insurance society, the occupational health center, and the corporate dept.


Medical System Development

We provide the efficient, short-term, and high-quality system development based on MRSO operation know-how and the abundant achievements in the healthcare market.


Medical Tourism Service

We provide the international medical tourism services – reservation agent, prior explanation, interpretation,and result translation – by one step.

Company Overview

Company Name MRSO Inc.
Access 17F Shiroyama Trust Tower
4-3-1 Toranomon,
Minato-ku, Tokyo
105-6017 JAPAN
Founded February,2015
Common Stock 122,351,400yen
President and CEO Tsunegoroh Nishino